Assorted Knives

10th Century Viking Seaxe Knife - Hand Forged Blade by Kingdom of Arms
Viking Seaxe Knife - The Viking seaxe or seax is a very large fighting knife or dagger which most warriors would have carried. We stock a large selection of different style knives used for war and utility.
APOC Sirupate Kukri by APOC
Arkansas Bowie Knife
Arkansas Toothpick Knife
Assam Rifles Kukri
Cobra Steel Falcata Survival Knife
Cobra Steel Kindjal
Cutting Knife with Wooden Box
Damascus Knife
Damascus Knife
Damascus Knife
Damascus Knife
Damascus Knife Large
Damascus Knife Small
Damascus Tiger Claw Knife
Deer Antler Obsidian Blade Knife
D-Guard Bowie Knife
Dussack Knife
Dussack Knife - Forged Steel
Early Renaissance Parrying Dagger by Kingdom of Arms
Early Renaissance Parrying Dagger - matches the Early Renaissance Cut and Thrust Sidesword.
Fayans Medieval Bone Handle Dagger
Flint Striker Knife AH-4382
Gentlemans Boot Knife
Genuine Gurkha Kukri
Gigantic Ceremonial Kukri
Gurkha Khukri Knife
Gurkha Officer's Patch Knife
Jambiya Knife Circa 1400
Khyber Knife - Large
Khyber Knife - Small
Kitchen Classics Knife Set
Kriss Blade Boot Knife
Kukri Machete
Large Medieval Kitchen Knife
Leaf Blade Boot Knife
Leather Handled Drop Bowie Knife
Medieval Bone Grip Utility Knife
Medieval Kitchen Carving Knife
Medieval Kitchen Knife
Medieval Rondel Dagger
Medieval Table Knife
Medieval Table Knife
Medieval Utility Knife
Medieval Utility Knife with Sheath
Mexican Bowie Knife
Modern Samurai Tanto by Paul Chen / Hanwei
Nordic Mora Fixed Blade Knife
Nordic Seax Knife - Stage Combat or Sharpened
Obsidian Blade Knife
Officers Kukri
Primitive Bowie Knife
Raven Claw Knife
Renaissance Hunting Knife designed by Bruce Brookhart
Renaissance Hunting Knife A major past time for nobles throughout the middle ages and the renaissance was the hunt. This stylish knife is large enough to disjoint game.
Roman Utility Knife Roman
Saxon Langseax or Long Seax
The Saxon Langseax, also known as Long Seax or Langsax, was the iconic weapon of the Saxon warrior. It played a significant role in their culture, symbolizing manhood and carried throughout their lives. Historians believe that the name "Saxon" might have been derived from this distinctive weapon.
Scottish Sgian Dubh
Scramasax, Large Viking Scramasax by Kingdom of Arms
Handmade Scramasax, A Large Viking Scramasax, hand forged blade. This is the large fighting style of the Nordic seax. Carried hanging in the front or at the back of the belt but always within easy reach.